Institutional data
This section provides publicly available data such as the Fact Book and Common Data Set.
Fact Books
Annual institutional characteristics and data. The fact book is a compilation of institutional information about academic programs, students, faculty, and financial trends in the college.
- Fact Book 2024-2025
- Fact Book 2023-2024
- Fact Book 2022-2023
- Fact Book 2021-2022
- Fact Book 2020-2021
- Fact Book 2019-2020
For previous years, please contact the Office of Institutional Research
Common Data Set (CDS)
The Common Data Set (CDS) initiative is a collaborative effort among institutional officials who are responsible for providing data in the higher education community, and publishers such as the College Board, Peterson’s, and U.S. News & World Report. The goal of this collaboration is to improve the quality, consistency, and accuracy of information provided to all involved in a student’s transition into higher education.
Data definitions used by the U.S. Department of Education in its higher education (IPEDS) surveys frequently serve as a guide in the ongoing development of the CDS.
The Common Data Set workbook contains multiple worksheets with information on 10 different aspects of the College:
- General Information
- Enrollment and Persistence
- First-time, First-Year (Freshman) Admission
- Transfer Admission
- Academic Offerings and Policies
- Student Life
- Annual Expenses
- Financial Aid
- Instructional Faculty and Class Size
- Degrees Conferred