Faculty Use of Student Works for Teaching or Publication
Intellectual works eligible for copyright protection created by students of the College
in the course of their academic pursuits (including works of art, original musical
compositions, scientific posters, creative and scholarly writing, and like works)
are owned by their creator(s) and any revenue derived from these works likewise belongs
to the creator(s). However, unless otherwise agreed in writing, such work may be reproduced
by the College and its officers for distribution within the College community without
fee for instructional or administrative purposes. In spite of this, faculty or staff
members who anticipate using student work outside the immediate context of the class
for which it was created may wish to secure the student’s permission in writing. The
College may not distribute any such work by a student beyond the College community
without first obtaining the consent of the student author or creator. Certain projects
– such as Senior Capstone Experience hosted on the College’s Institutional Repository
on D_Space – may include a requirement of dissemination outside the College. This
requirement will be made explicit in registration or similar materials, and does not
change the copyright status of the work.