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Instructional Continuity

Instructional Continuity

Instructional Continuity Planning (ICP)


Unexpected campus closures happen.  Having a plan in place for these short-term emergencies can help. Instructional Continuity is a process by which teaching and learning are maintained during a delayed opening or during an unanticipated campus closure. The goal of the plan is to ensure that faculty can carry on instruction remotely in the case of a delay or campus closure. The Educational Technology team is available to assist faculty with developing individualized Instructional Continuity Plans (ICP) geared towards their subject area and teaching style and to provide faculty with the necessary training and tools to engage their students remotely.

Keeping it Simple

If you do not ordinarily use a lot of technology in your courses, an unexpected campus closure is not the best time to get yourself and your students adjusted to a completely new way of doing things.  Email messages with reading assignments and prompts for short essays and phone or Zoom conversations for one-on-one “office hours” may be perfectly good ways to stay connected during a short term campus closure. If you do want to try something new, Educational Technology is here to help. Our best advice, however, is to keep it simple.

Unexpected campus closures happen.  When we plan ahead and respond with simple, reasonable, compassionate, and flexible solutions, we can help mitigate the impact of unexpected campus closures on our students’ academic progress.  

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