Student Opportunities

Expand your skillset and your résumé by pursuing your interests outside of the classroom. Whether you’re conducting research, completing an internship, or leading an on-campus organization, there are plenty of opportunities to get involved 

Find the Perfect Opportunity


students in computer lab


  • Tutor or mentor other students at the Quantitative Skills Center or as a course mentor for stretch differential calculus.  
  • Work at the Geospatial Innovation Program (GIP). The Geospatial Information Systems (GIS) technology they use to answer location-related research questions relies heavily on math for database structure, topology and, data analysis.
  • Arrange your own internship experience through your own connections, or by tapping into the Center for Career Development’s extensive network.  
students in classroom


  • Assist faculty with their research projects.  
  • Complete a Senior Capstone Experience (SCE), pursuing independent research in a topic that interests you. Your SCE could be explanatory, learning an advanced concept and explaining it to a peer group, or you could prove theorems or other math models.
  • Complete mathematical problem-solving contests. Students have competed in the Virginia Tech Regional Mathematics Contest and the William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition with help from a faculty coach.  
  • Participate in a weekly math seminar with faculty and other math majors. During any given week, the seminar may include a guest speaker, collaboration on a problem solving activity, or focus on career development.
  • Travel to regional conferences with faculty to learn about what other researchers and students are currently working on.  
  • Create your own research project. Support, financial or otherwise, is available across campus, including through the John S. Toll Research Program and the Libby and Douglass Cater Society for Junior Fellows.  

To get started thinking about what research you might be able to do at Washington College, review our faculty’s areas of expertise.

portrait of Rachel Beall

Rachel Beall '25

Columbia, Maryland
Read Rachel's Story