Faculty Expertise

Throughout your time at Washington College, you will work with faculty in classes, lab and field work, internships, and more. Faculty serve as teachers and mentors, and as advisors for your Senior Capstone Experience (SCE). Explore the research interests of our faculty below.  

Math Faculty


Emerald Stacy

Emerald Andrews

Co-Chair Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Associate Professor of Mathematics

Areas of Expertise

Algebraic number theory


I tend to teach Stretch Differential Calculus, Real Analysis, Number Theory, and Mathematics of Quilting. I advise senior capstones on a pure math topics such as number theory, algebra, or topology.

View Dr. Andrews' Profile

gabe feinberg

Gabe Feinberg

Co-Chair Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Associate Professor of Mathematics

Areas of Expertise

Calculus, Combinatorics, Operations Research


I have advised students undertaking senior capstone experience research in symmetries and dance, Pascal’s wager and subjective probability, principal component analysis, finding minimal distances between elliptical orbits, the mathematics of incomplete cubes and the art of Sol Lewitt, the hook-length rule for counting standard Young tableaux, integers and polynomial rings, and a geometric exploration of voting methods.

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dylan poulsen

Dylan Poulsen

John W. Allender Associate Professor of Data Ethics
Director of the Data Science Innovation Lab

Areas of Expertise

Data science and data ethics


For almost anything you are interested in, there is a way to understand it more deeply through a quantitative lens. As an applied mathematician and data scientist, I have advised student capstones that use mathematics and data to understand how to design a propeller, make mathematical art, model the spread and containment of a disease, make a pendulum which balances itself automatically, power an electric boat, test drugs, make stock predictions, allocate solar power consumption, run faster, understand business risk, play games optimally and so much more! Work with me to help understand something you care about more deeply.

View Dr. Poulsen's Profile

jordan tirrell

Jordan Tirrell

Assistant Professor of Mathematics

Areas of Expertise

Enumerative and algebraic combinatorics



View Dr. Tirrell's Profile