Faculty Expertise

Throughout your time at Washington College, you will work with faculty in classes, lab and field work, internships, and more. Faculty serve as teachers and mentors, and as advisors for your Senior Capstone Experience (SCE). Explore the research interests of our faculty below.  

Business Management Faculty 


caddie putnam rankin

Caddie Putnam Rankin

Chair of Department of Business Management
Associate Professor of Business Management

Areas of Expertise

Business and society


My research focuses on the intersections of business and society with an emphasis on corporate social responsibility, professionalization, and benefit corporations.

View Dr. Putnam Rankin's Profile

michael harvey

Michael Harvey

Special Assistant to the President for Strategic Initiatives and John Toll Professor of Leadership Studies

Areas of Expertise



Leadership is about wrestling with hard questions. Leaders help groups confront and solve their biggest problems through critical inquiry, imagination, inspiration, and courage.

View Dr. Harvey's Profile

caroline le bon

Caroline Le Bon

Assistant Professor of Business Management
Director of the Marketing Minor

Areas of Expertise

Sustainability in fashion


My research interest lies mostly in the field of fashion and fast fashion. The fashion industry has endured significant criticism due to its detrimental environmental footprint, and my research endeavors are directed towards gaining deeper insights into the transformations impacting this sector. Specifically, I engage in research that explores the recent and evolving sustainability practices adopted by fast fashion brands. I also analyze how many brands are now considering the changes induced by the metaverse in their strategy development. 

View Dr. Le Bon's Profile

maria vich llompart

Maria Vich Llompart

Assistant Professor of Business Management and International Studies
Director of the International Business Minor

Areas of Expertise

International financial markets


My research is based on international financial markets and the analysis of the information embedded in financial option prices, which is forward-looking information. My goal is to learn more about the different international markets and the interactions between them by exploiting the information contained in option prices.

View Dr. Vich Llompart's Profile

portrait of Hui-Ju Tsai

Hui-Ju Tsai

James Price IV Associate Professor of Business Management
Director of the Finance Minor

Areas of Expertise



I teach courses including Corporate Finance, Financial Analysis, Investments, and Managerial Statistics. In my class I love to ask students many questions, so there is a lot of interaction between my students and me. I have been teaching at Washington College for more than 10 years, and it has been a joy teaching and knowing Washington College students.  

View Dr. Tsai's Profile

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Jean Davis

Assistant Professor of Business Management
Director of the Accounting Minor

Areas of Expertise




View Dr. Davis' Profile

lynne meis

Lynne Meis

Visiting Assistant Professor of Business Management

Areas of Expertise

Emerging management systems


I am interested in emerging management systems focusing on the importance of business processes to accurately utilize data by offering insights on opportunities for organizations.

View Professor Meis' Profile

portrait of Rifat Sharmelly

Rifat Sharmelly

Visiting Assistant Professor of Business Management

Areas of Expertise

Social entrepreneurship; Resource-constrained innovation; Artificial intelligence and ethics


Whether I am teaching entrepreneurship-innovation, strategy, organizational behavior, international business, leadership, management or decision making courses, you will always find yourself engaging in various experiential learning activities instead of non-interactive stretches of lecture in my classroom. This strategy allows students to grasp the course content better, be an effective critical thinker and problem solver.

View Dr. Sharmelly's Profile