Editing and Publishing

Editing and Publishing

The Collegian: The College’s creative writing magazine for undergraduates puts out 3-5 issues per year containing original student work in fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, and art. Students have the chance to be published but also to work as editors and hone their skills as creators and purveyors of literature. The EIC for 2020-21 is Justin Nash.

The Elm: The College’s weekly newspaper is one of the oldest nationally; our tag line is “having issues since 1930.” Students hold paid positions as writers, photographers, editors, copyeditors, and distribution managers. The EIC for 2020-21 is MacKenzie Brady.

The Pegasus: The College's annual online yearbook. The EIC for 2020-21 is Liane Beckley.

The Washington College Review: The WCR publishes exemplary writing emerging from the courses serving the Washington College writing program. It is edited by student interns and published annually. The EIC for 2020-21 is Erica Quinones.