Our Mission
At the Writing Center, you’ll find encouragement, guidance, and inspiration, no matter what kind of writing project you are working on. Our focus is helping you to succeed.
The Washington College Writing Center supports student writers by providing an environment within which they can grow and develop, build self-awareness and confidence, and form strategies for success in courses across the curriculum. By offering individualized, peer facilitated writing sessions in a setting that encourages conversation, reflection, and revision, we contribute to the college’s mission to develop in students the habits of analytic thought, clear communication, and aesthetic insight. In the process, we affirm the values at the heart of a liberal arts education.
In our work with other faculty and staff, we provide support, professional development, and resources that contribute to the effectiveness of writing instruction at the college. In our work with the peer writing consultants who participate in our tutoring program, we provide meaningful instruction and substantial professional experience. Working with other student writers contributes to the consultants’ own intellectual growth, enriches their lives as students, and offers them valuable experiences that they take with them as they leave the college.
By promoting writing as an essential element of instruction and learning, the Writing Center supports students’ intellectual development and contributes to the broader culture of writing at Washington College.