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Student Life and Social Events Policies

Student Organization and Student Worker Office Keys

Designated faculty and staff members may request that an individual student (or group of students) be issued keys for various areas on campus to facilitate special needs. Examples of some of these needs are music practice rooms, science or math laboratories, fraternity or sorority chapter rooms, publication offices (Elm, Pegasus, Collegian), art studios, and a variety of others. Keys are issued by Buildings and Grounds on a case-by-case basis, and unreturned or lost keys will result in replacement charges. These keys must be returned to the Department of Public Safety.

Student Social Event Policy

A student social event at Washington College is a student-sponsored and student-organized activity that complements and supports the academic and co-curricular mission. These events supplement the in-class experience with meaningful out-of-class practical learning experiences that elicit personal growth and development. These events also foster an engaging and interesting campus climate that contributes to a rich, vibrant, and enjoyable student social experience at Washington College.

  • Alcohol-free events may occur on any day of the week. Events involving alcohol may occur only on Friday’s and Saturday’s, or on days that precede a day when no classes are scheduled, or with special authorization of the Director of Student Engagement (who will consult with other campus officials before granting authorization).
  • Events must end by 11 p.m. Sunday through Thursday and 2 a.m. on Friday and Saturday, unless the Director of Student Engagement approves an exception.
  • Events may be scheduled until midnight on the Sunday before final exams.
  • All events must be registered using an Event Registration Form and approved by the Director of Student Engagement a minimum of two weeks prior to the event date. Event registration forms can be found on the Office of Student Engagement website. Forms that are not complete or turned in past the deadline will result in the event being postponed or canceled.
  • If your event requires a contract for a performer or other services rendered, the Event Registration Form must be submitted to the Office of Student Engagement to be reviewed and signed three weeks prior to the event. Washington College has a standard contract that is used for all performers and vendors.  Only the Director of Student Engagement, who is an authorized representative to act and sign on behalf of Washington College, can sign contracts.  No student should ever sign a contract.
  • Sponsoring student(s) or student organization(s) are responsible for all event clean-up. Event clean-up should occur as close to the ending of the event as possible but must be completed within 12 hours of the event’s end (unless previous arrangements for a shorter or longer time frame have been made). A clean-up fee will be charged to any non-compliant group if not completed within 12 hours of the event (unless previous arrangements for a shorter or longer time frame have been established prior to the event.)
  • Registered events must comply with all Washington College campus policies and procedures. Event sponsors are also responsible for ensuring that all event conduct follows state law and local ordinances. 
  • Student(s) and/or student organization(s) violating college policy may be subject to disciplinary action by the College or the Honor Board.
  • All exceptions to the Student Social Event Policy are to be submitted as a request to, and are granted at the discretion of, the Office of Student Engagement.

In addition to the policies and procedures listed above, all events with alcohol must comply with the following policies.

  • Permission for these events must be obtained from the Office of Student Engagement no less than 14 days prior to the event by completing the Alcohol Event Registration Form. The sponsoring group or organization must have an estimate of the expected number of attendees to allow the Director of Student Engagement to determine the layout of the event.
  • Based on the estimated attendance, event servers, bartenders and event staff will be assigned to the event.
  • All events where alcohol is available must have adequate food, as determined by the Director of Catering Services. Non-alcoholic beverages must also be available at no extra cost to event attendees.
  • Wristbands will be used at all events where alcohol is available. Depending on the size of your event, the Director of Catering, in consultation with the Director of Student Engagement, will determine which type of wristbands will be used.
    • At historically large events, or newly introduced events with an anticipated large number of attendees, such as Shoreman Formal, Birthday Ball, and Final Exam event, attendees 21 years of age and older with a valid government-issued ID will be given a wristband that will allow students to consume alcohol in a designated area. Events of this nature will have a predetermined number of drinks allowed per person, not to exceed six drinks per event.  The Director of Catering, in consultation with the Director of Student Engagement, will determine the appropriate number of drinks.
    • At these historically large events, all attendees will be given the same wristbands with the number of tabs equal to the predetermined number of drinks allowed per person. All “of-age” attendees will pay for each drink as they go and will be served at the discretion of the TIPS-trained bartender. 
    • At smaller events, including those held in the Goose Nest, non-tabbed wristbands will be used, as the bartender will have the discretion to serve. Students under 21 will be permitted to mingle with those over 21.
  • It is the expectation that all students will conduct themselves appropriately during events where alcohol is available for purchase. It is also the expectation that students who are at least 21 years of age and who choose to drink will not share alcoholic beverages with members of the community who are under the legal drinking age of 21.  Should a student be found in violation of this policy while attending an event sponsored by a student club or organization, or at the Goose Nest, the student will be removed from the event and may be referred for further conduct follow up.
  • Students will be permitted to bring in no more than two guests per college ID. Guests of a Washington College student must show a valid government-issued ID to enter the event.  Washington College students will need to sign in all guests with event staff and will be responsible for the behavior of their guest at all times.
  • Alcoholic beverages may not be consumed at either indoor or outdoor athletic events, including recreational sports and intramural events.

For questions regarding registering a social event contact Antoine Jordan, Director of Student Engagement at ext. 7146.

Student Mailbox Mass Mailing Policy

This policy provides guidelines to comply with US mail facility policies, ensure appropriate use of the campus mail system, and allow mailroom workers to spend their time efficiently.


A mass mailing constitutes a group of individual pieces of mail that are sent to at least five students utilizing the campus mail system (including advertisements or flyers sent by recognized college organizations or campus departments). Non-personal mail is any mail that is not customized to a particular student and intended to convey general information to a group of students. Personal mail is any mail whose content is specific to a particular student. 


  • Each piece of mail that is part of a mass mailing (personal or non-personal) must include a legible student name.
  • All individual items in a mass mailing must measure no smaller than 3” x 5”.
  • Recognized student groups planning to do a mass mailing of non-personal mail must request advance approval by submitting the document(s) being mailed to the Student Affairs Office. This should be done prior to making copies of the document for mailing so, if changes are required, paper is not wasted.

Student Advertisement Posting Policy

The purpose of this policy is to provide students, student organizations, and advisors information on how to appropriately and effectively advertise on campus while maintaining and respecting the integrity of our facilities.

SGA Printing Guidelines

  • Make sure your flyer contains all the necessary information:  Date, Time, Location, Sponsoring Organization, Contact Information
  • Each club or organization will be allotted a maximum of 40 color prints per event, and a maximum of 60 prints for events that are open to the Community and require advertisement in Chestertown
  • Additionally, each organization will have a total of 80 extra prints per semester.  You may use this to print meeting agendas, forms, or any other material.  You may choose your extra points toward more flyers but that is up to the discretion of your organization

For further information, please refer to the SGA website - Services - Club Printing

General Campus Posting Guidelines

  • Postings must include the name of the sponsoring organization, as well as comply with and respect Washington College policy and the Honor Code.
  • The original flyer must be approved and stamped in the Office of Student Engagement before copies are made.
  • Events sponsored by academic/administrative offices or programs do not need to be approved if the letterhead or logo of the sponsoring office is clearly visible on the flyer.
  • Posting may not contain references to, or pictures of, alcohol or drugs.
  • Flyers may be posted up to three weeks (21 days) before an event. Banners may be hung no more than two weeks before the event.
  • All advertisements must be removed within 48 hours of the event.
  • Only blue painter’s tape, thumbtacks, or staples may be used to post advertisements, depending upon the posting location.
  • Only Washington College students, faculty, staff and recognized student organizations with an approved stamp may post on campus.
  • Posting in residence halls must be approved by the Office of Residential Life and/or the Office of Student Engagement.
  • Realtors and those wishing to post about property for sale may do so on the community bulletin board on the first floor of Hodson Hall Commons. One poster is allowed and must be approved by the Office of Student Engagement before posting.
  • All other flyers or posters that have not been approved by the Office of Student Engagement are prohibited.

Posting is not permitted on the following:

  • Finished (painted or varnished surfaces)
  • Glass doors
  • Statues
  • Light fixtures
  • Exit signs, smoke detectors, or other forms of safety equipment
  • Vending machines
  • Windows
  • Fire doors
  • Trees, benches, light posts and exterior walls

Banner Guidelines:

  • Banners may be hung no more than two weeks before the event and must be removed within 48 hours.
  • Sponsors should monitor the condition of their banner.

Banners may be hung in the following locations:

  • Hodson Hall Commons balconies
  • Hodson Hall Commons, first floor landing under stairs
  • Exterior of residence halls (from window to window)

Student Organization Chalking Policy

Chalking is permitted on campus for events sponsored by recognized Washington College student clubs and/or organizations and must be approved by the Office of Student Engagement. Chalk is allowed only on uncovered outdoor concrete and brick sidewalks.  No chalking may occur on covered walkways or entry areas, buildings, or vertical structures.  Chalking is permitted 72 hours (or less) before an event.

Failure to Comply

Organizations in violation of the College posting policy will be notified in writing by the Office of Student Engagement within seven working days of the violation and can be assessed for any clean-up and/or damages.  The organization’s advisor will also be notified of the violation.  All appeals must be submitted in writing within two days to the Office of Student Engagement.  Violations may result in the following sanctions: warning, cleaning or damage charges, replacement of damaged areas, or other, as deemed necessary.  Continued violations of this policy will result in the loss of posting privileges. 

The Office of Student Engagement oversees the student posting and chalking policies. The Director of Student Engagement may make exceptions to this policy at his or her discretion.  Please contact the Director of Student Engagement for further information about this policy or assistance.

Policy Governing Student Fundraising Activities

The fundraising policy allows recognized student clubs and organizations to conduct fundraising projects in support of the group and its objectives, consistent with the educational mission of the College. Student clubs and organizations considering fundraising projects should review this policy and the guidelines prior to planning the project. The Director of Student Engagement is available to discuss this policy, the proposed fundraising activity and to answer any questions.

The College does not permit fundraising by outside organizations on campus unless the proceeds support the mission of a recognized College organization. In general, charitable organizations other than the College itself may not use campus facilities in order to solicit gifts. Explicitly exempted from these guidelines are the annual United Way solicitation of staff and faculty. All students and student clubs and organizations are expected to adhere to the following:

Student groups may raise funds either to support their own activities or a recognized external charitable organization. In both instances, an authorized member of the group must fill out the Office of Student Engagement Event Registration Form (available online at and submit it to the Office of Student Engagement at least two weeks (10 business days) prior to the event in order to receive authorization. The Director of Student Engagement will consult with the Advancement Office on any proposed fundraising activity for a recognized external charitable or an activity that proposes soliciting parents, alumni or other external audience.

Student groups are responsible for communicating with appropriate offices or staff members in accordance with all deadlines when reserving facilities, arranging for tables, chairs, food, and any other necessary equipment. Students coordinating the event and the sponsoring student organization are responsible for cleaning and restoring the facility to good order and the proper return of equipment used during the event immediately after the event’s end. Student organizations that fail to comply may be charged for any clean up or other work required to restore the facility to good working order.

Student fundraising event requests may be denied if they are submitted after the two-week deadline or are proposed to coincide with major college events such as Reunion, Birthday Ball, Fall Family Weekend, Commencement, etc.

Student groups may only solicit funds or gifts from off-campus groups, individuals or businesses (including alumni and parents) after meeting with and receiving written authorization from either the Business Office or the Office of College Advancement.  Students must contact and receive written authorization from either the Controller (for the Business Office) or the Director of Advancement Services (College Advancement) before making any arrangements to solicit funds.

The above guidelines supplement the College’s fundraising policy and guidelines as determined by the Advancement Office. The College’s general policies and guidelines may contain specific information and restrictions which must also be followed by student organizations when conducting fundraising events, and the application of these policies/ guidelines will be determined by the Director of Student Engagement in consultation with the Advancement Office.