Information Systems Minor

No doubt about it — we are awash with information.  Modern organizations could not exist without the ability to create, capture, analyze, and capitalize on it, but the explosion of data can make using information akin to drinking out of a firehose. With the minor in Information Systems, you’ll learn how to tame the torrent by aligning organizational skills with technical know-how.    

Information Technology + Effective Management = Competitive Advantage 

The information systems minor is the interdisciplinary study of the ways in which computer technology can foster organizational excellence.  Drawing from the departments of business management and mathematics and computer science, the information systems minor builds on the foundations of an education in the liberal arts by stressing strong analytical skills, the facility to find imaginative solutions to difficult problems, and the application of ethical principles.

Students who complete the information systems minor will be able to write and speak about technology to a body of professionals and non-professionals alike.


Austin Lobo

Department of Mathematics & Computer Science

Austin Lobo

Associate Prof. of Computer Science; Director, Information Systems Minor.


Austin Lobo

Department of Mathematics & Computer Science

Austin Lobo

Associate Prof. of Computer Science; Director, Information Systems Minor.