Students working in lab

Chemistry Major

At Washington College, we have an innovative curriculum that reflects modern, interdisciplinary science and nurtures excellent scientists. Our organic-first curriculum is accredited by the American Chemical Society and Maryland Higher Education Commission. We introduce our students to fundamental concepts in chemistry through the lens of organic and biochemistry, which allows us to introduce material thematically, gives students the foundation needed for advanced study across scientific fields, and better reflects modern chemistry as an interdisciplinary science. We integrate the principles of green chemistry into our curriculum, training a new generation of chemists who are especially mindful of their environmental impact. 
chem labFrom your very first course in the chemistry major, you gain experience collecting and analyzing data from our research grade instrumentation. By your senior year, you will be an independent scientist working under the mentorship of a faculty member on your Senior Capstone Experience (SCE) project, for which you might explore a topic in green chemistry, environmental chemistry, inorganic chemistry, or biochemistry.  
There are two tracks for chemistry majors at Washington; students can graduate with an American Chemical Society (ACS) Certified Degree or a non-certified degree.  

Chemistry Tracks    


The ACS track requires a certain number of hours in the lab and will result in the completion of a lab-based SCE. Students with an interest in attending graduate school in chemistry or intenting to work in industrial or governmental laboratories after graduation are encouraged to complete the ACS-certified degree.


The Non-ACS track is an excellent option for students with interdisciplinary interests, especially those interested in pursuing careers in teaching, engineering, medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine, or law. Course flexibility allows you to double major, add minors, or just take courses in other departments that interest you.  



Course flexibility also makes it possible to complete on- or off-campus internships or study abroad for one semester. To learn more about our course offerings, visit our course catalog.  


Leslie Sherman in a field

Department of Chemistry

Leslie Sherman

W. Alton Jones Professor of Chemistry and Environmental Science, Chair of the Chemistry Department


Kayla Cash presenting

Kayla Cash '23

Pharmacy Doctoral Studies at University of Florida • Gainsville, Florida

“With HOSA, we catered to all health professions so it was nice to learn about fields outside pharmacy and medicine. Being president of the organization, I learned some more organizational, structural things: hosting meetings, communicating with faculty and external speakers for events. I am definitely more comfortable talking to higher-ups because of it.”


Leslie Sherman in a field

Department of Chemistry

Leslie Sherman

W. Alton Jones Professor of Chemistry and Environmental Science, Chair of the Chemistry Department