Michael Harvey Challenges Traditional Leadership Concepts in New Book


Available for free download through July 23, "Questioning Leadership" argues that the core of leadership lies in asking the hardest questions.

Michael Harvey Challenges Traditional Leadership Concepts in New Book, "Questioning Leadership"

Michael Harvey, the John S. Toll Associate Professor of Business Management, has released a thought-provoking new book, "Questioning Leadership", published by Cambridge Elements. The book is free to download online through July 23. 

Leadership is at once one of the simplest things in our lives—real leadership touches our hearts; it’s instantly recognizable, emotionally powerful, and makes us feel part of a larger collective,” says Harvey. “But it is also one of the complex and uncertain aspects of our shared lives. In this book I try to strip away some of the mystery and confusion about leadership, both by explaining what it is not—it is not bureaucratic management, and it is not cultural authority—but also by explaining what it is. 

Questioning Leadership argues that the core of leadership lies in asking the hardest questions. It is not enough to simply ask, however; effective leadership requires fostering an environment where those questions lead to bold answers and actionable solutions.  

Harvey, who in addition to teaching in the business department for more than 25 years, currently serves as the Special Assistant to the President for Strategic Initiatives and has previously served as Interim Provost and Dean of the College.  Drawing from this deep history of working in partnership across many facets of the College, Harvey emphasizes the importance of working collaboratively to translate those answers into concrete steps that address real-world challenges.  

“Leaders must have the courage, imagination, and persistence to ask the hard questions,” Harvey explains. “But it takes even more than that. True leadership involves working with others to discover answers that solve real problems in enduring ways.” 

The book delves into the main traditions of leadership theory, exploring the dynamics between groups and the questions they face. It examines how established systems and cultures can provide stability through pre-existing answers, while also considering how leaders can offer disruptive solutions in times of change and crisis. 

Uniquely, Questioning Leadership uses the lens of questioning to compare the leadership styles of two iconic American figures: President Abraham Lincoln and General Robert E. Lee. 

The book, which is available through all major retailers, is part of the Cambridge University Press’s Cambridge Elements series - a publishing platform offering a unique blend of academic rigor and accessibility. Their publications combine the depth of scholarly research with the conciseness and timeliness of journal articles. As Harvey’s book demonstrates, Cambridge Elements provides researchers and practitioners with a valuable resource for understanding complex topics in various academic fields. 


- Dominique Ellis Falcon