Chester River Field Research Station

The Chester River Field Research Station was established in 1999 with the initiation of an academic study to restore a native grassland landscape habitat on 228 acres of what had previously been row crop farmland, and an avian migration banding station on Chino Farms, Queen Anne’s County, Maryland.

Merged with the Center for Environment & Society at Washington College in 2011, CRFRS continues its research while providing educational opportunities for both the public and up-and-coming biologists. 


CRFRS is proud to be a collaborator of the Maryland Biodiversity Project.

Where is the next generation of environmental stewards and leaders going to come from?  Our new River and Field Campus hopes to play a big role in producing them.


In Pursuit of Beauty. The Foreman’s Branch Bird Observatory bands and records thousands of migratory and residential birds each season.


Washington College students team up with ecologists and colleagues from other institutions to study the effects of grassland restoration on migratory bird populations. Students are given a variety of opportunities to participate in field research projects through the Center for Environment and Society.