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Frequently Asked Questions

Curious about the deadline to register? Scholarship opportunities? How far Washington College is from the nearest airport, or train station? Check here for answers to all your frequently asked questions!

When is the deadline to register?

June 25, 2025 is the last day to register.


Is that the same deadline to submit a scholarship application?

No. July 17, 2025 is the last day to apply for a scholarship. We decide soon after that deadline. The June 25 deadline for registration allows for those not awarded a scholarship to continue to register for the conference by paying the registration fee. 

Please note that we only accept forty-eight students each year, and that we often reach full capacity before the registration deadline. If you apply for a scholarship but are not awarded one, you may then register as a paying attendee if we still have space, but your choice of workshop genre is likely to be limited; our fiction groups in particular regularly fill before the registration deadline. To guarantee admission to the conference and reserve your spot in a given workshop, please pay to register here. In the event you are selected for a scholarship, we will refund your payment.


Can I register and pay to secure my workshop place, and submit a scholarship application?

Yes. First, complete the registration form, then follow the instructions in the confirmation email to submit your payment. 

Please note that we only accept forty-eight students each year, and that we often reach full capacity before the registration deadline. If you apply for a scholarship but are not awarded one, you may then register as a paying attendee if we still have space, but your choice of workshop genre is likely to be limited; our fiction groups in particular regularly fill before the registration deadline. To guarantee admission to the conference and reserve your spot in a given workshop, please pay to register here. In the event you are selected for a scholarship, we will refund your payment.


What happens if I am not awarded a scholarship to attend?

If you apply for a scholarship but are not awarded one, you may then register as a paying attendee if we still have space, but your choice of workshop genre is likely to be limited; our fiction groups in particular regularly fill before the registration deadline. To guarantee admission to the conference and reserve your spot in a given workshop, please pay to register here. In the event you are selected for a scholarship, we will refund your payment.


Are the scholarships merit (talent) based, or based on financial need?

All scholarships are merit-based.


I’m local.  Do I have to stay in the dorms or take meals on campus?

We strongly prefer that you stay in the dorms and take meals on campus in our dining hall. Cherry Tree is, above all, a community that is built upon engaging with others about your writing, and informal discussions about writing take place at meal-time and in the dorms. 


How do I get to Washington College?

Our address is 300 Washington Avenue, Chestertown, MD 21620.

This webpage has driving directions to help you get here.

If you are flying to Baltimore or to Philadelphia, or taking a train to Wilmington, DE, you’ll need to contract with a car service to bring you to Chestertown. There is not currently a bus service (though during the semesters, WC has shuttles to each of these locations). A list of car services that are familiar with Chestertown and Washington College can be found here.


What is the cancellation/refund policy?

If you cancel before July 1, we can refund your registration fee 100%. After July 1, we can refund your registration fee minus a $50 service charge. 


Can I expect to have wi-fi and cell phone coverage at Washington College?



Who do I contact about disability-related accommodations?

Please email your concerns to Conference Coordinator Amber Taliancich.


What are the dorms like?

You can read (and see!) more information about the Western Shore dorms at Washington College here.


My friend is also attending. Can I request we stay in the same dorm?

Yes. Please let Conference Coordinator Amber Taliancich know by emailing her.


What is non-binary/non-conforming gender housing?

This dorm is reserved for those students who do not identify as cismale or cisfemale, or identify on the genderfluid/genderqueer spectra, and would be more comfortable staying in housing with others who identify in similar ways. These dorms are also suite-style with 1 shared bathroom in between 2 rooms. See more information about dorms here.


I have food allergies. What accommodations are available?

We can accommodate some dietary restrictions in our dining hall, though we do find it helpful to know about dietary restrictions so we can pass these along to the Head Chef. Otherwise, there is a full kitchen in the dorms, with stove, fridge, and microwave. If you’d rather bring your own food, you’ll also need to bring cookware, plates, and utensils. Please let us know your allergen sensitivity levels by emailing Conference Coordinator Amber Taliancich.