Slippery Elm
Scientific Name: Ulmus fulva
Common Name: Slippery elm, Red elm, Indian elm
Plant Family: Ulmaceae
Etymology: Slippery elm was named for its mucilaginous inner bark. It is also commonly called red elm because of the red/brown heartwood and branches.
Traditional Uses
Slippery elm has been used by Indigenous Americans for centuries. Topically, slippery elm was used to make salves for wounds, inflammation, burns and ulcers. It was also indigestion orally to relieve coughs, sore throats, and gastrointestinal issues. Slippery elm has mucilage in it, which can coat the mouth, throat, intestines, and stomach when ingested and mixed with water. Additionally, slippery elm has been known to promote stomach mucus secretion from ulcers and acidity.
Edible Parts
The inner bark of the slippery elm tree can be eaten and used medicinally when dried and powdered, raw, or boiled.
Gathering and Using
It is best to harvest slippery elm bark in the spring when the sap is most present. The large lower branches can be harvested by removing the bark scarcely, allowing the bark to regrown on the branches. The bark can be chewed fresh or dried in the sun in preparation for long-term storage.
How to Identify
Slippery elm is a tree native to North America that can grow over 50 feet tall and has large spreading branches that create an open canopy. The red/brown branches grow downward and support small, green, petal-less flowers that are densely grown. In April-June, seeds can be seen surrounded by the papery flower. The bark is red/brown with a sticky sap, and the leaves are alternately placed with rough hairs on the upper surface.
Wildlife Support
The seeds are eaten by birds, rabbits, possums, and other rodents, and the rwigs and leaves provide food for deer. Many insects are also supported by the slippery elm!
Additional Information
There are no known serious side effects of taking slippery elm, however, it has been known to contain substances that may increase the risk of miscarriage in pregnant people.