Department of Biology

Gain a strong knowledge base, see the connections between biology and other disciplines, and experience the collaborative “doing” of biology.

The Biology Department offers both a major and a minor, which provide the knowledge and skills you’ll need to pursue vocations or advanced degrees in biology-related fields, including biochemistry, environmental science, neuroscience, and the health professions.

students working in a field

The Department also contributes classes for students enrolled in the first-year seminar (FYS) program, distribution courses for nonscience majors, introductory level courses covering the breadth of the discipline at two levels (regular and Honors), and diverse upper-level courses for majors. Undergraduate research opportunities are available in departmental laboratories during both the academic year and the summer. Students can also participate in internships sponsored by off-campus laboratories through existing programs or those proposed by the student. A chapter of Beta Beta Beta, the national biological honor society, provides supplemental activities for students.



students at rafc

Biology Major

Our Biology students are trained to be good, well-rounded scientists ready to pursue vocations or advanced degrees in biology-related fields.


Learn more about the Biology Major

students in a lab

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Major

The Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (BMB) major provides a comprehensive education at the intersection between biology and chemistry, and Washington College nurtures independent scientists in a rapidly advancing field.


Learn more about the BMB Major