Chicken Council
Ten years after its founding, the Campus Garden welcomed its first flock of chickens. The flock gives students the opportunity to get hands-on experience working with microlivestock in a regenerative setting.
True citizens of a permaculture forest garden, chickens serve multiple functions:
- Produce fertilizer
- Eat garden and apiary pests
- Speed up composting progress
- Provide companionship and entertainment
- Eggs are just a bonus!
Meet the Chickens
Margo (White Leghorn)
Jungle Boogie (Ameraucana Easter-egger)
Annie (Buff Orpington)
Sweet Lips/Sweetheart (Favorelle)
Janet (Black Jersey Giant)
Cate (Black Jersey Giant)
(Big) Bertha (Black Jersey Giant)
Chickens Resting in Peace
Stevie Chicks (Favorelle)
Amelia (Ameraucana)
Winnie (Brahma)
Tangerine (Buff Orpington)
Hilde (Rhode Island Red)