Happy Thanksgiving!

Here is a peek into the Washington College Archives & Special Collections potluck Friendsgiving!
We have been adding to our collection of regional cookbooks and here are some fun potluck ideas for Thanksgiving.
Since vegetables should be vegetables, we have a simple Zucchini Casserole with Tomatoes,
all of which can be found in abundance at the Farmer’s Market, from Maryland’s Flavors.
The show's star is usually turkey, but being on the Eastern Shore, we thought Goose
might be a nice option. Sorry, Gus. Here is a recipe from Secrets of Southern Maryland Cooking: How to Keep Daddy Home.
Even though this stuffing recipe is for Chicken or Turkey, you can still use it with
duck or goose. This recipe calls for Bee Brand poultry seasoning, which is unsurprising
since it is from the Bee Brand Manual of Cookery. Bee Brand was an early offshoot of the Baltimore company McCormick & Company; their
spices and seasonings make a holiday dish.
Top this meal off with a dessert with a “Wow” factor like this English Trifle recipe
from The Kings Contrivance of Columbia, Maryland, in A Taste of Maryland History.
Maybe the most important thing to enjoy this holiday season is Happiness, and Maryland’s Flavors has a recipe that looks like it could work.
All these cookbooks are available in the Maryland or Maryland Rare Collections.