Election Fun: Campaign Buttons
One of the more enjoyable parts of politics is campaign ephemera.
Today, we mainly see it in lawn signs or social media posts, but politicians have put their faces on anything for decades. The most popular have been things like posters, broadsides, bumper stickers, and pins, but there have also been commemorative spoons, backscratchers, and emery boards. Here are a few items featuring Washington College’s own Louis Goldstein (Democrat).
And just so we are fair, here is a pin from former Board of Visitors & Governorsmember Edward D. E. Rollins (Republican) from his run with Theodore McKeldin. Rollins lost to C. Ferdinand Sybert for Maryland Attorney General, but McKeldin won his re-election for Governor.
Political campaign pins are often colorful and fun, but the coolest badge of all is the “I Voted” sticker we hope you all get on Tuesday.