Archives & Special Collections
Welcome to the Archives & Special Collections!
The Archives & Special Collections located in Miller Library house the College Archives, recording the history and operations of Washington College as well as related collections including alumni papers, faculty papers, club and organization records, artifacts and ephemera. The special collections include the rare book collection with concentrations on descriptive travel, history with a focus on democracy, rhetoric and logic, and papers relating to the history of Chestertown and the Eastern Shore of Maryland.
How to Research with us:
Here you can search the written descriptions (also known as finding aids) for both the College records and manuscript collections.
In-Person research is by appointment only. To make one please contact the archivist. Researchers will need to complete a patron registration form and comply with the listed rules of the archives. Please park in spots that are not labeled "Staff & Faculty."
Requests for scans for personal use or publication can be made to the archivist.