Dasha's Story
Daria Shirokova
Class of 2023 • Moscow, Russia
Being involved on campus has also helped Dasha discover a different side of college life. She is an active senator on the Budget Committee in the Student Government Association (SGA), member of Student Events Board’s (SEB) marketing committee, and an officer in the German Club. “By being involved, you get to be around the most enthusiastic and progressive minds of the WAC community, and that helps you grow as a person,” Dasha explained. The close WAC community has helped Dasha to know her peers on a deeper level and has inspired her to grow and be a better person every day.
Dasha’s closest friends come from the strong international community at WAC. “What I like about our community is that it is very diverse, and it is exceptionally exciting to surround yourself with people from different cultures and countries,” she said. They have broadened her horizons and taught her many life lessons. But more importantly, “Internationals stick out for each other and will be there for you, no matter what,” she added.
Dasha found Washington College through an international scholarship competition started by one of WAC’s alumni at her dad’s company, General Electric (GE). She was able to win a scholarship, alongside four other international students who have also joined the WAC community. After graduation, Dasha wants to start her own business and keep learning new languages.