Mindy Reynolds

  • Professor of Biology, Chair Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Portrait photo of Mindy Reynolds

Mindy Reynolds


Office Hours

W 12-1:30, Th 10:30-11:30, OR anytime!


  • B.A., Wheaton College
  • Ph.D., Brown University


  • Biochemistry
  • Cell Biology
  • Toxicology
  • General Biology
  • GRW Body Toxic: Hazardous Chemicals and Everyday Life

Research Interests

My wet-bench research is focused on chronic exposure to metal compounds, such as nickel, cobalt, and cadmium.  Exposure to these metals has long been known to increase cancer incidence but the mechanisms by which they induce cancer are not well understood.  My lab examines cytotoxicity and genotoxicity following co-exposure to these metals. To understand these processes, we use molecular and genetic approaches in a human cell culture model. Altogether, our improved understanding of the mechanisms of DNA damage and toxicity will enhance our knowledge in the development of cancer.  

Students have worked on this project both during the summer and academic year. The opportunity to work in the laboratory has enabled students to experience the frustrations and excitement of research. Additionally, many students who have worked in my lab have gone on to pursue advanced degrees and obtain research internships at prestigious institutions. Each year students from my lab present their results at the annual Society of Toxicology Meeting as well as at various Washington College events 

In recent years, I have been focused on educational research, more specifically, how people learn science and how instructors and scientists can collaborate to make teaching and learning more engaging.   I am currently working on two collaborate research grants funded by the NSF which focus on (1) creating a structured mentoring program and partnership between faculty at 2- and 4-year colleges  to form enriching collaborations in developing, awareness of and confidence in implementing and assessing evidence based instructional practices (2418046) and (2) collaboratively developing disciplinary-specific course undergraduate research experience (CURE) modules for introductory and upper-level STEM courses with the goal of increasing adoption of CUREs nationwide the therefore enhancing student academic success by providing opportunities for an immersive research experience.  Students interested in education and the development of teaching labs have been aiding in the progression of these projects. 

Select Publications

Gobrecht, J., McDyre, C., Comotto, J., & Reynolds, M. (2017). Induction of cytotoxic and genotoxic damage following exposure of V79 cells to cadmium chloride. Mutation research. Genetic toxicology and environmental mutagenesis, 816-817, 12–17. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mrgentox.2017.03.001

Reynolds, M. (2013) A Toxicological Study using Zebrafish (Danio rerio) as a model. The Journal of Toxicological Education, 1, 10-20. http://darchive.mblwhoilibrary.org/handle/1912/6314

Patel, E., & Reynolds, M. (2013). Methylmercury impairs motor function in early development and induces oxidative stress in cerebellar granule cells. Toxicology letters, 222(3), 265–272. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.toxlet.2013.08.002

Reynolds, M., Armknecht, S., Johnston, T., & Zhitkovich, A. (2012). Undetectable role of oxidative DNA damage in cell cycle, cytotoxic and clastogenic effects of Cr(VI) in human lung cells with restored ascorbate levels. Mutagenesis, 27(4), 437–443. https://doi.org/10.1093/mutage/ger095

Patel, E., Lynch, C., Ruff, V., & Reynolds, M. (2012). Co-exposure to nickel and cobalt chloride enhances cytotoxicity and oxidative stress in human lung epithelial cells. Toxicology and applied pharmacology, 258(3), 367–375. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.taap.2011.11.019

Zecevic, A., Hagan, E., Reynolds, M., Poage, G., Johnston, T., & Zhitkovich, A. (2010). XPA impacts formation but not proteasome-sensitive repair of DNA-protein cross-links induced by chromate. Mutagenesis, 25(4), 381–388. https://doi.org/10.1093/mutage/geq017

Reynolds, M. Understanding the Effects of Exposure to Environmental Contaminant on Normal Zebrafish Development. Labstracts 2009 31 (1).

Reynolds M, Peterson-Roth EC, Baspalov IA, Johnston A, Gurel V, Menard H, Zhitkovich A. Rapid DNA double strand breaks resulting from processing of Cr-DNA crosslinks by both MutS dimers. Cancer Res. 2009 Feb 1;69(3):1071-9.

Reynolds M, Zhitkovich A. Cellular vitamin C increases chromate toxicity via a death program requiring mismatch repair but not p53. Carcinogenesis. 2007 Jul;28(7):1613-20.

Reynolds M, Stoddard L, Bespalov I, Zhitkovich A. Ascorbate acts as a highly potent inducer of chromate mutagenesis and clastogenesis: linkage to DNA breaks in G2 phase by mismatch repair. Nucleic Acids Res. 2007; 35(2):465-76.

Messer J, Reynolds M, Stoddard L, Zhitkovich A. Causes of DNA single-strand breaks during reduction of chromate by glutathione in vitro and in cells. Free Radic Biol Med. 2006 Jun 1;40(11):1981-92. Epub 2006 Feb 20.

Karaczyn A, Ivan S, Reynolds M, Zhitkovich A, Kasprzak KS, Salnikow K. Ascorbate depletion mediates up-regulation of hypoxia-associated proteins by cell density and nickel. J Cell Biochem. 2006 Apr 1;97(5):1025-35.

Peterson-Roth E, Reynolds M, Quievryn G, Zhitkovich A. Mismatch repair proteins are activators of toxic responses to chromium-DNA damage. Mol Cell Biol. 2005 May;25(9):3596-607.

Reynolds M, Peterson E, Quievryn G, Zhitkovich A. Human nucleotide excision repair efficiently removes chromium-DNA phosphate adducts and protects cells against chromate toxicity. J Biol Chem. 2004 Jul 16;279(29):30419-24. Epub 2004 Apr 15.

A full bibliography can be accessed through PubMed.

Select Poster Presentations

Reynolds, M. A Toxicological Study using Zebrafish (Danio rerio) as a model. Annual Society of Toxicology Meeting. Phoenix, AZ (2014).

Comotto, J., Donald, C., Reynolds, M. Exposure of V79 Hamster Cells to Cadmium Chloride Results in the Production of Double Strand Breaks, G2 Arrest, and Mutagenesis. Annual Society of Toxicology Meeting. Phoenix, AZ (2014).

Gray, J., Bilack, B., Borland, M., Ford, S., Gallo, M., Sidhartha, R., Reynolds, M., Slitt, A., William, L., Zamule, S. The Journal of Toxicological Education (JTOXED)-A Milestone in Toxicology Education. Annual Society of Toxicology Meeting. Phoenix, AZ (2014).

Gobrecht, J., Kube, P., Reynolds, M. Exposure of V79 Cells to Cadmium Chloride Results in the Production of Single Strand Breaks, Double Strand Breaks, and Micronuclei. Annual Society of Toxicology Meeting. San Diego, CA (2015).

Reynolds, M., Cheng, Shu-Yuan. The Undergraduate Students’ Perspective on Toxicology Education. Annual Society of Toxicology Meeting. San Diego, CA (2015).

Gobrecht, J., McDyre, C., Comotto, J., Reynolds, M. Induction of Cytotoxic and Genotoxic Damage following Exposure of V79 Cells to Cadmium Chloride. Annual Society of Toxicology Meeting. Baltimore, MD (2017).

Gray, J., Willett, K., Williams, L., Fitsanakis, V., Reynolds, M., Eidemiller, B. The Society of Toxicology’s Eminent Toxicologist Recoded Lecture Series: Usage Data and Examples for Use in Teaching. Annual Society of Toxicology Meeting. Baltimore, MD (2017).

Pitts, D., Reynolds, M., Sussman E., Savery, L., Saylor, D., Brown, R., Skoog, S. Quantitative In Vitro-In vivo Extrapolation (QIVIVE) of Nickel Toxicity to Tissues Adjacent to a Metallic Implant. Annual Society of Toxicology Meeting. San Antonio, TX (2018).

Adourian, M., Reynolds, M. Mismatch Repair Proteins are Required for Toxic Repsonses following Exposure to Heavy Metals. Annual Society of Toxicology Meeting. San Antonio, TX (2018).

Select Invited Presentations

Reynolds, M. Collection Development of Web Resources for the Teaching of Toxicology. Annual Society of Toxicology Meeting,Washington DC (2011).

Reynolds, M. Integrating Toxicology into an Undergraduate Curriculum. Society of Toxicology Education Summit. Baltimore, MD (2011).

Reynolds, M. The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly: The Effects of Heavy Metals on Our Bodies. Faculty Lunch Forum. Washington College (2011)

Reynolds, M. Double, Double toil and trouble: Nickel and Cobalt and Their Toxic Effects in Human Cells . Westminster College New Wilmington, PA (2012).

Patel, E.,Reynolds, M. Cytotoxic and genotoxic effects of co-exposure to cobalt and nickel chloride, an in vitro study. U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Silver Spring, MD (2012).

Reynolds, M. Donald, C., Comotto, J. DNA Damage and Cell Cycle Changes in Hamster Cells Exposed to Cadmium and Nickel. McDaniel College Westminster, MD (2013).

Reynolds, M. Life as an Undergraduate Educator. Brown University. Professional Development Workshop. Providence, RI (2015).

Reynolds, M. A Multi-week Toxicological Study using Zebrafish (Danio rerio). Society of Toxicology Undergraduate Educator Network Webinar (2015).

Reynolds, M., Rosa, V. Yeast Toxicogenomics Activity. Annual Society of Toxicology, New Orleans, LA (2016).

Reynolds, M. Yeast Toxicogenomics: A multi-week undergraduate lab. Society of Toxicology Undergraduate Educator Network Webinar (2016).

Reynolds, M. Body Toxic: Hazardous Chemicals in Our Surrounding. Westminster College New Wilmington, PA (2018).

Academic Awards

2015 Society of Toxicology Undergraduate Educators Award Receipient

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