Meghan McHenry

  • Foreman's Branch Bird Observatory Avian Field Technician

Meghan McHenry

Meghan McHenry


Please email to set up an appointment.


  • B.S. Biology, Washington College, 2021

Professional Background

Meghan worked previously with the U.S. Geological Survey studying Common and Least Tern populations on Poplar Island in the Chesapeake Bay. Most recently she worked as an Avian Glass Testing Technician for American Bird Conservancy’s Glass Collisions program, testing the effectiveness of bird-friendly glass designs. In her current position as Avian Field Technician, she is heavily involved with migratory bird banding at Foreman’s Branch Bird Observatory, and Field Sparrow research in the experimental grasslands at the college. She is excited to participate in bird research, conservation, and education.

Personal Interests

Meghan can always be found enjoying her time outside. She likes fishing, hiking, kayaking, soccer, and hockey. She also loves to travel and is always looking forward to the next adventure!