Erin Anderson

  • Associate Professor of Sociology and Gender Studies; Director, Social Welfare Minor

Erin Anderson Headshot

Erin Anderson


Office Hours
  • Ph.D. in Sociology, Graduate Minor in Women’s Studies from Purdue University, 2004
  • M.S. in Sociology from Purdue University, 1999
  • B.S. Political Science, Minor in Environmental Studies from Boise State University, 1996
Research Spotlight

Selected Publications

Anderson, Erin K. 2021. "The Impact of COVID-19 on Mental Health & Suicide Rates." Invited blog post for Sociology in the News of McGraw Hill.

Anderson, Erin K. 2021. "The Unequal Impact of COVID-19 on Women's Employment." Invited blog post for Sociology in the News of McGraw Hill.

Anderson, Erin K., Raven Bishop, and Nancy Cross.  2018. “Dealing with Data: Instructing with Infographics in an Undergraduate Sociology Course” in College Teaching. 67 (1): 36-49.

Anderson, Erin K. 2016. “Teaching Work and Gender in the 21st Century.” In Teaching Gender and Sex in Contemporary America, edited by Kristin Haltinner and Ryanne Pilgeram. Springer: Netherlands.

Anderson, Erin K. Sept. 29, 2015. “Men: Uninterested, Hesitant, and Fearful to Step Away.” Invited blog post for Families as They Really Are/The Society Pages.

Anderson, Erin K. and Catherine Richards Solomon, eds. 2015. Family-Friendly Policies and Practices in Academe.  New York, NY: Lexington Books.

Anderson, Erin K. and Autumn Behringer. 2010. “Girlhood in the Girl Scouts” Girlhood Studies 3(2):89-108.

Anderson, Erin K. and Jerry Van Hoy. 2006. “Striving for Self-Sufficient Families: Urban and Rural Experiences for Women in Welfare-to-Work Programs.” The Journal of Poverty: Innovations on Social, Political & Economic Inequalities 10(1): 69-91


My research interests are rooted in our gendered experiences at the individual, interactional, and institutional levels. My past research has looked at gender and family roles through work requirements of welfare recipients and men’s nontraditional parenting roles as primary caregivers.  My current research interests are focused on gender socialization through scouting organizations.  I’m looking at both adult women’s roles and experiences as role models and developers of leadership in girls through Girl Scouts and public reactions to recent membership and name changes in the Boys Scouts. 


I routinely teach courses on:

  • Soc 101  Introduction to Sociology
  • Soc 212  Sociology of the Family
  • Soc 213  Sociology of Gender
  • Soc 262  Self & Society
  • Soc 303  Social Theory
  • Soc 413  Work & Gender
  • Soc 462  Sociology of the Body
Professional Experience

Chair of Sociology, Washington College: 2016-2020; 2011-2014