Audrey Weil

  • Associate Professor of Psychology

Audrey Weil


  • B.A., Hope College, 2012
  • M.A., Miami University, 2014
  • Ph.D., Miami University, 2017

Research Spotlight

My work focuses on understanding patterns of neural activity that predict a person’s ability to reason or estimate probabilities. My recent work focuses on frontal midline theta and fronto-parietal theta coherence. Both are patterns of neural activity that have been recently implicated as general mechanisms for cognitive control, making them likely neural correlates of individual differences in judgment and reasoning.


  • Individual differences in working memory capacity, reasoning, judgment, and decision making
  • The role of inhibition in logical and intuitive reasoning
  • The roles of neural oscillations in judgment and reasoning
  • Conflict detection in judgment and reasoning


  • PSY111 - General Psychology
  • PSY205 - Drugs and Behavior
  • PSY309 - Statistics & Research Design II
  • PSY 316 - Cognitive Neuroscience
  • PSY410 - Neuroscience Research Methods