CES Publications
Carr, J.M., M.E. Gimpel and D.M. Small. 2019. Patterns of provisioning in known-aged Spizella pusilla (Field Sparrow): A multi-year study. Northeastern Naturalist. 26(3): 484-498.
Brinkerhoff, R.J., L. Dang, H.M. Streby, M.E. Gimpel. 2019 Life history characteristics of birds influence patterns of tick parasitism. Infection Ecology & Epidemiology 9(1).
Gimpel, M. E. and J. M. Carr. 2017. First known case of a passerine presumably returning a dead chick to the nest. Maryland Birdlife 66(2): 29-35.
Small, D.M., M.E. Gimpel and J. Gruber. 2015. Preformative molt in Indigo Buntings north of the wintering grounds. North American Bird Bander 40(2): 67-69.
Gimpel, M.E., D. M. Small and J. G. Gruber. 2014. Winter site fidelity of six sparrow species in Maryland. North American Bird Bander 39(2): 45-51.
Florin, David A., R. J. Brinkerhoff, Holly Gaff, Ju Jiang, Richard G. Robbins, William Eickmeyer, James Butler, David Nielsen, Chelsea Wright, Alexis White, Maren E. Gimpel & Allen L. Richards. 2014. Additional U.S. collections of the Gulf Coast tick, Amblyomma maculatum (Acari: Ixodidae), from the State of Delaware, the first reported field collections of adult specimens from the State of Maryland, and data regarding this tick from surveillance of migratory songbirds in Maryland. Systematic & Applied Acarology 19(3): 257–262.
Small, D. M., M. E. Gimpel, J. G. Gruber. 2013. Variation and Extent of Eccentric Pre-formative Wing Molt in Field Sparrows. North American Bird Bander 38(2): 49-54.
Small, D. M., M. E. Gimpel, D. E. Gill. 2012. Site Fidelity and Natal Philopatry in Dickcissels. Northeastern Naturalist 19(1): 123-129.
Gimpel, M. E., D. M. Small, J. G. Gruber. 2010. Site Fidelity and a Longevity Record of Wintering Hermit Thrushes in Maryland. North American Bird Bander 35(2): 1-4.
Small, D. M., M. E. Gimpel, J. Parks, J. B. Guerard, D. E. Gill. 2009. First Documented Cases of Polygyny in the Grasshopper Sparrow. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 121(4): 822-825.
Small, D. M., M. E. Gimpel, J. Gruber. 2007. Field Sparrow (Spizella pusilla) Longevity Record. North American Bird Bander 32(2): 78.
Small, D. M. and C. R. Long. 2019. Near Catastrophe to Recovery: A Northern Bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) Success Story in Maryland. Maryland Birdlife 68: 23-37.
Danner, J. E., D. M. Small, T. B. Ryder, B. Lohr, B. S. Masters, D. E. Gill, and R. C. Fleisher. 2018. Temporal Patterns of Extra-Pair Paternity in a Population of Grasshopper Sparrows (Ammodramus savannarum) in Maryland. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 130: 40-51.
Small, D. M. 2017. Winter Site Fidelity and Over-Wintering Site Persistence of a Northern Shrike, Lanius borealis, in Maryland. Maryland Birdlife 66: 9-19.
Small, D. M., P. J. Blank and B. Lohr. 2015. Habitat Use and Movement Patterns by Dependent and Independent Juvenile Grasshopper Sparrows during the Post-Fledging Period. Journal of Field Ornithology 86: 17-26.
Anthony, T., D. E. Gill, D. M. Small, J. Parks, H. F. Sears. 2013. Post-fledging Dispersal of Grasshopper Sparrows (Ammodramus savannarum) on a Restored Grassland in Maryland. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology: 125: 307-313.