Institute Events
Events held by the Institute of Religion, Politics and Culture at Washington College
Upcoming IRPC Events

Upcoming Events
- The Lawrence Swanstrom '67 Memorial Lecture, Thursday, September 7th at 4:30pm in Hynson of Hodson Hall – Title: "The Truth-Seeking Mission of the University," By Robert George, The McCormick Professor of Jurisprudence at Princeton University. A public reception will follow.

- Constitution Day Commemoration, Saturday, September 17th from 11am-2pm on the Courthouse Lawn in Easton, MD – Event commemorating Constitution Day, with guest speakers, free ice cream, and games
for the whole family.
Past Events

Guest speakers
Arthur Milikh, director of the Claremont Institute, on the importance of free enterprise and the rule of law.
- Professor Steven Frankel of Xavier University in Cincinnati, an expert on religion in the thought of Tocqueville, discussed Tocqueville’s classic work “Democracy in America.”
- Attorney Vann Canada, who has extensive experience litigating federal appellate cases, spoke on the administrative state.
- Professor David Corey, of Baylor University, addressed the philosophy of music and the importance of aesthetic appreciation of classical music.
- Nationally syndicated columnist and best-selling author on Christianity and culture Sohrab Ahmari, author of such works as “From Water by Fire” (an account of his conversion from Islam to Catholicism) and “The Unbroken Thread: Discovering the Wisdom of Tradition in an Age of Chaos,” addressed the importance of learning from tradition.
- Baird Tipson, former Washington College president and accomplished expert on American religion, spoke on religion in Colonial America. He attended a reception afterward with Washington College faculty and a dinner with seven IRPC Student Fellows, College senior staff, former board members, and other prominent members of the community.
- The annual Os Guinness Lecture — named after Christian public intellectual Os Guinness, D.Phil, from Oxford, author of over 25 books on religion, politics, and culture — was presented by Professor Bill McClay of Hillsdale College. The event was held in downtown Easton, Maryland, to extend outreach. IRPC Student Fellows attended a dinner afterward with McClay.