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Academic Requirements

Academic Requirements


For Fall 2021 or Spring 2022 graduates only, students who plan to major in Political Science must complete the following courses.  

  1. Take both of the following 100 level courses, either freshman or sophomore year:
    1. POL 102: American Government and Politics
    2. POL 104: Introduction to World Politics
  2. Take one 200 level course in political theory, to be completed by the junior year:
    1. POL 201: Theories of Peace and Conflict
    2. POL 202: Justice, Power, and Political Thought
  3. Take the required course on political science methods:  POL 401 Empirical Political Research
  4. Take seven additional department course offerings, including one 300-level course from each of the three sub-fields offered at Washington College: American Government and Political Thought; Comparative Politics; and International Politics.
  5. Complete a senior thesis, Political Science SCE, for the Senior Capstone Experience. Please see the department’s webpage on the Senior Capstone Experience for more information.
  6. Complete a department-approved experiential learning requirement, such as a study abroad experience, an internship, or completion of a Model Diplomacy or Model UN course. Please see the department’s webpage on the Experiential Education requirement.

Students intending to major in political science are encouraged to take Mathematics 109 (Statistics) as part of their freshman-sophomore distribution selections, so that some aspects of the most recent methodological developments in political analysis will be more readily understandable to them.

For students who plan to graduate Fall 2022, Spring 2023 or beyond, students who plan to major in Political Science must complete the following requirements:

  1. Take both of the following 100 level courses, either freshman or sophomore year:
    1. POL 102: American Government and Politics
    2. POL 104: Introduction to World Politics
  2. Take one 200 level course in political theory, to be completed by the junior year:
    1. POL 201: Theories of Peace and Conflict
    2. POL 202: Justice, Power, and Political Thought
  3. New for graduating class of Fall 2022 and after: Take a required course on political science data analysis, to be completed by the junior year: POL 209 Political Data Analysis
  4. Take the POL 401 Senior Seminar in Political Science in the fall, senior year
  5. Take seven additional department course offerings, including one 300-level course from each of the three sub-fields offered at Washington College: American Government and Political Thought; Comparative Politics; and International Politics.
  6. Complete a senior thesis, Political Science SCE, for the Senior Capstone Experience. Please see the department’s webpage on the Senior Capstone Experience for more information.
  7. Complete a department-approved experiential learning requirement, such as a study abroad experience, an internship, or completion of a Model Diplomacy or Model UN course. Please see the department’s webpage on the Experiential Educationrequirement.


Political Science-International Studies Double Majors

Like all Political Science majors, POL-IS double majors are expected to take the following courses: POL 102, 104, 201 or 202, and 209.  Instead of taking POL 401, Senior Seminar in Political Science, those double majors are required to take INT 401 International Studies Seminar.

However, instead of taking seven additional department course offerings like other Political Science majors, including one 300-level course from each of the three sub-fields offered at Washington College: American Government and Political Thought; Comparative Politics; and International Politics, IS-POL double majors will have to take eight additional courses (to substitute for POL 401 Senior Seminar).


Students wishing to minor in Political Science must complete POL 102 American Government and Politics, POL 104 Introduction to World Politics, and four additional courses.  Students who minor in political science must complete three courses at Washington College or in a Washington College program.  Students majoring in International Studies may not minor in political science.


For those students who wish to take political science courses to complete their social science distribution, they have the following options:

A. If they elect to take one course in political science, they can take either POL 102 American Government and Politics or POL 104 Introduction to World Politics

B. If they elect the two-course sequence in political science, they can choose either option below:

  1. They can complete POL 102 American Government and Politics and POL 104 Introduction to World Politics
  2. They can complete both POL 102 American Government and Politics or POL 104 Introduction to World Politics plus any 200 or 300 level course in Political Science

Teaching Certification

Students majoring in Political Science can apply for certification in social studies teaching and do their student teaching in social studies if they are interested in completing the secondary teaching certification program.  Please see the Education Department for more information on this track.