- Cater Society for Junior Fellows
- Peer Tutor
- Computer Club
- WACapella, Business Vice President


Trying it All
Tegan McBride
Class of 2022• Waterbury, ConnecticutMAJORS
- Cater Society for Junior Fellows
- Peer Tutor
- Computer Club
- WACapella, Business Vice President

Tegan swapped her oars for a computer, becoming an Anthropology and Computer Science double major– realizing she’s ready to focus on her career.
“I’m still testing the waters, so I’m applying to a bunch of different internships to see where I want to go. Google, national security, maybe game design.”
“Definitely try everything. I didn’t know what anthropology was when started at WC; I took it for distribution and now I love it,” Tegan advises those unsure of their major.
While anthropology was a happy surprise for Teagan, she always had a knack for computer science; she previously volunteered with Random Acts of Kindness Junior, a program that teaches young girls how to code. After her first computer science course CSI 202 (her AP credits allowed her to skip 201) she knew it was what she wanted to major in.
“I loved everything about it. I love challenging myself and I was like, I can definitely see myself doing this.”
Now Tegan is a peer tutor in all three computer science courses, while taking computer science III herself, an opportunity awarded to very few students. Tegan says one of the best things about the Computer Science department is the faculty support she receives.
“I love the professors. Austin Lobo is my advisor and Shaun Ramsey is also incredible. In my game design class right now everyone loves Ramsey so much that when he walks in we all stand up and clap. It just shows how amazing he is. Both of them believe in me so much. They’re great people.”
Tegan is applying to study abroad next fall in Morocco at Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane (AUI), where she’ll continue to focus on computer science.
“My professors say that everyone who comes back from AUI excels in every single class in the computer science program, so hopefully that will help my studies.”
What will Tegan will try next?
“Next semester I might take ballet,” she says. “I’ve never taken ballet but I was like, why not, if I have the time and I have the resources?”