Rifat Sharmelly

  • Visiting Assistant Professor of Business Management

Rifat Sharmelly


  • Ph.D majoring in Organization and Management, School of Management, University of New South Wales, Australia
  • Master of Science in Management and Economics of Innovation, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
  • Bachelor of Information Technology, Multimedia University, Malaysia


My research covers topics in strategic technology innovation management, artificial intelligence (AI), professionalism and ethics, technology entrepreneurship, social business and strategic sensemaking. 

Notable Rsearch Publications

  • (2024), “Trajectory of Organizational networking in emerging markets”, Journal of Business Research.
  • (2024), “Professionalism in artificial intelligence: The link between technology and ethics”, Systems Research and Behavioral Science.
  • (2023), “Integrating competing institutional logics by benefit corporations: Challenges and practices”, Journal of General Management.
  • (2023), “Organizational networking processes in turbulent environments: Strategic sensemaking perspective", Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing.
  • (2022), “Technology entrepreneurship in the context of institutional voids: Lessons from a BoP context”, International Journal of Business and Systems Research, 16(10), 1- 39.
  • (2021), “Strategic Sensemaking and Political Connections in Unstable Institutional Contexts”, Journal of Management Inquiry, 1-21.
  • (2021), “Managing Resource-constrained Innovation in Emerging Markets: Perspectives from Business Model”, Technology in Society, 65(101538), 1-20.
  • (2021), “Customer Value Creation for the Emerging Market Middle Class: Perspectives from Case Studies in India”, Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 14(10), 1-18.
  • (2021),” Systems Perspective in Examining Industry Clusters: Case Studies of Clusters in Russia and India”, Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 14(8), 1-23.
  • (2018), “The role of frugal innovation and collaborative ecosystems: The case of Hyundai in India” Journal of General Management, 43(4).
  • (2018), “Influence of policies in capability evolution and industry structure: Lessons from the Indian automotive industry and implications for other developing countries”, World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, 14 (1/2).
  • (2017), “Crafting a winning innovation strategy”, Strategic Direction,33(3)
  • (2016), “Organizational Capabilities for Mass Market Innovations in the Emerging Economies: Insights from an Automobile Firm in India”, Journal of Comparative International Management, 18 (1).


At Washington College I teach:

  • BUS 302: Organizational Behavior
  • BUS 220: Creativity & Innovation
  • BUS 311: Global Business Strategy
  • BUS 330: International Business Experience

I deploy active learning strategies for my students to be engaged with the course material, think critically and collaborate to solve business problems.

Research Spotlight

I provide succinct guidance for R&D managers, product development teams, organizational leaders through empirical research. My research has been featured in ‘The Science Show’ of ABC Radio National of Australia, ‘Ideas for Leaders’, a UK-based academic thought leadership platform and others.

Other Processional Experience

Before academia, I worked in the telecommunication industry with a multinational mobile operator as a Project Coordinator. I coordinated, rolled out and integrated cellular service projects in the nationwide mobile network. In academia, I also possess academic program management experience. I was a Program Director in Australia and a Program Coordinator & Adult Learner Liaison in the USA.

Fun Stuff

I like to travel and cook.