Student Opportunities
Our many study abroad opportunities, language-specific honor societies, awards, and other student opportunities provide students of World Languages and Cultures with plenty of chances to expand their learning outside the classroom.
Academic Honor Societies
Delta Phi Alpha
Delta Phi Alpha is the National German Honor Society, founded at Wofford College in 1929. Delta Phi Alpha seeks to recognize excellence in the study of German and to provide an incentive for higher scholarship. The Society aims to promote the study of the German language, literature and civilization and endeavors to emphasize those aspects of German life and culture which are of universal value and which contribute to man’s eternal search for peace and truth.
The Tau Iota Chapter of Delta Phi Alpha was chartered at Washington College in 2014. The faculty advisor for the Tau Iota Chapter is Professor Nicole Grewling.
To qualify for membership in the Society students must have:
- Completed a minimum of two years of college or university German or their equivalent.
- A minimum average of B+ (3.3 GPA) or its equivalent in German courses.
- A minimum cumulative average of B- (2.7 GPA) or its equivalent.
- Indication of continued interest in the study of German language and literature.
Pi Delta Phi
Pi Delta Phi is the National French Honor Society, founded at the University of California, Berkeley, in 1906. The Society is devoted to:
- Recognizing outstanding scholarship in the French language and its literatures.
- Increasing the knowledge and appreciation of Americans for the cultural contributions of the French-speaking world.
- Stimulating and encouraging French and francophone cultural activities.
The faculty advisor to PDP is Professor Pears.
Sigma Delta Pi
- To honor those who attain excellence in the study of the Spanish language and in the study of the literature and culture of the Spanish-speaking peoples.
- To honor those who have made the Hispanic contributions to modern culture better known in the English-speaking world.
- To encourage college and university students to acquire a greater interest in and a deeper understanding of Hispanic cultures.
- To foster friendly relations and mutual respect between the nations of Hispanic speech and those of English speech.
- To serve its membership in whays which will contribute to the attainment of the goals and ideals of the society.
Sigma Zeta Chapter was chartered at Washington College in the spring of 1990 to promote the achievement of the above goals on our campus. The faculty advisor for Sigma Zeta Chapter is Professor Elena Deanda Camacho.
To qualify for membership in the Society students:
- Must have completed three years of study of college-level Spanish or the equivalent, including at least one course in Hispanic literature or culture.
- Must have a minimal GPA of 3.0 in all Spanish courses taken.
- Must rank in the upper 35% of his/her class and must have completed three semesters of college work.
A student may be admitted while still enrolled in the required Hispanic literature course if all other requirements have been met and if the instructor certifies that the student’s work is at least at the “B” level.
Prizes and Awards
Chris Miller ’14 Awards
Created in the memory of Chris Miller ’14, these awards help defray costs to majors and minors of the Department of World Languages and Cultures as they pursue studies abroad.
Chris Miller, an alumnus of the Spanish division, had a free spirit, a generous soul, and a passion for understanding the world around him. Our department seeks to carry on his legacy by assisting others to pursue study abroad experiences.
Application deadlines are: April 1 for study abroad during the following fall semester (and approved summer programs) December 1 for study abroad during the following spring semester Please email the application form to the Associate Chair of the Department by the due date.
The Henry Salloch Prize
The prize was made possible through the generosity of Dr. Erika Salloch, Professor Emerita of German, and offered in memory of her husband Henry Salloch, a long-time friend of the Department. A cash award, as well as a certificate, is given each year to a student or students in recognition of academic achievement and personal commitment to the understanding of other cultures.
2016 - Shana Brouder
2014- Nicolas Campisi
2013- Ryan Bankert
2012- Morgan Phillips
2011- Lauren Seeley
2010- Akin Walker
2009- Isaac Schendel
2008- Wes Schantz
2007- Stephanie Gardiner
2006- Kristin Porter and Alana Wase
2005- Ioana Secosan and Nico Armstrong
2004- Florin Ivan
2003- Rebekah Beckett Land and Ian May
2002- Mike Duck
2001- Michele Bantz
2000- Megan Kilby and Yessenia Santiago
1999- Sarah Keturah Litoff
1998- Abbie Marie Robbins
1997- Jennifer Lee Burkmar
1996- Patricia Anne Walton
1995- Lisa Marie Brown
1994- Stephany Lynn Slaughter and Joseph Merrill Koskuba
1993- Tina Louise McKuen and Monique LeChelle Ware
1992- Raphael R. Koster and Vanessa Ann Post
1991- Tamara-Diana Braunstein and Thomas Marc Pabon
1990- Jennifer Lynne Eisberg and Kristine Joy Winschel
1989- Colleen Marie O’Sullivan and Carl William Schaller III
1988- Sean Moore Ireton and Aina Ingrid Carlsson
The Departmental Service Award
Established in 2006, this award honors students for their outstanding service to the Department of World Languages and Cultures.
2018-Jessica Jones
2016-Lily Britt
2014-Cara Subasic
2013- Katherine Gildner
2009- Carmen Castillo
2008- Leah Ganse
2006- Sarah Fritz
The German Studies Alumni Award
The German Studies Alumni Award is given annuallly to the senior who, in the opinion of the faculty of the Department of World Languages and Cultures, has demonstrated outstanding academic achievement and a depth of understanding in the field of German Studies.
2020 - Drew Berry and Elizabeth Casibry
2019 - Claire Gardner
2016 - Shana Brouder and Kayla Kyle
2015 - Yeuk Hing Chan
2014 - Sarah Kuist
2012 - Melissa Erdman