Senior Capstone Experience
Starting in their junior year, Theatre majors propose and complete a rigorous, immersive SCE project through which they deepen their knowledge and experience within a single theatrical discipline.
The Theatre SCE
A student may complete the Theatre SCE in one of several ways:
- a traditional research thesis in the areas of theatrical criticism, theory, or history;
- a playwriting thesis in which the student writes, workshops, and produces a rehearsed reading of a full-length play;
- a production thesis in which the student serves as dramaturg, stage manager, designer, performer, or director of a departmental production.
Students may also propose alternative projects not listed above, to be developed and approved in collaboration with the faculty.
Students are strongly encouraged to collaborate on their SCEs, either by folding multiple SCEs into a single student-produced show (with all SCE students equitably sharing the duties and title of “producer”) or by completing the SCE as part of a faculty-directed production.
Starting to think about your SCE?
Class of 2024: SCE Guidlines
Class of 2024: SCE Proposal Form
SCE Guidlines are updated and re-posted every year; information for the Class of 2023 will be posted in Fall 2021.