Course Offerings
Course Offerings
Introductory Courses
Courses in Comparative Politics
This course focuses on the political and economic challenges confronted by developing countries, including democratization, gender, nationalism and regional integration, trade, foreign investment, and sustainable development. The course also examines issues of development theory and practice in developing countries of Latin America, Asia and Africa. Prerequisite: Political Science 104.
This course centers African states and the African continent within contemporary global processes and discourses. Attention is given to the structures of power in political economy, colonial relationships, independence and social justice movements, and discourses and depictions in international media and policy. Case studies of individual countries will be presented alongside specific international institutions and issues in order to interrogate the meaning of “Africa” in the world.
Courses offered in the Washington College Abroad Programs
Students enrolled in Rhodes University Program in South Africa take the following courses:
This course examines the dynamics of post-World War II international political economy, financial institutions, the North-South debate, debt, development, democracy, Africa and the New World Order. Five classes per week, including one tutorial. Students who have taken Political Science 361 will not receive credit for this course. offered at the Rhodes University, South Africa, program only, in the spring semester. Prerequisite: Political Science 104. Eight credits.
This course will study the process of transformation and transition to democracy in South Africa by looking at external and domestic factors which have shaped the present reality. Particular attention will be given to the issues of democratic consolidation and policy implementation after 1994. The course will provide an historical context with which to examine the challenges facing the new democracy from gender to economic policy and international relations. At least three classes per week. offered at the Rhodes University, South Africa, program only, in the spring semester. Prerequisite: Political Science 104. Four credits.
Case studies in selected African countries looking at political economy, development, and democratization. At least three classes per week. Students who have taken Political Science 356 will not receive credit for this course. offered at the Rhodes University, South Africa, program only, in the spring semester. Prerequisite: Political Science 104. Four credits.
This course examines contemporary theories, issues and debates in the study of international relations. At least three classes per week. offered at the Rhodes University, South Africa, program only, in the spring semester. Prerequisite: Political Science 104. Four credits.