Nich Temper '13
Nich Tremper '13, Data Scientist Associate, JPMorgan Chase
Nich Tremper ‘13 is currently a data scientist researching small businesses at the JPMorgan Chase Institute, where they use the bank’s administrative data to understand how policy makers can support small businesses, and how small businesses impact their community. His interest in small business and regional economics started in an economics class at Washington College. Nich’s senior thesis examined the impact of urban renewal programs in the European Union; now he often finds himself working on things that closely align to his thesis work.
The Economics Department provided Nich the opportunity to learn the technical skills
necessary to successfully complete an MS in economics. However, being able to communicate
technical findings once the research is complete is just as important as the analysis.
Nich believes, “A liberal arts education in economics strengthened my writing, presentation,
and communication skills - which allows me to share my research with policy and decision