We offer several concentration paths to allow you to focus and specialize your CMS major.
Arts & Production
The Arts & Production concentration combines medium-specific courses, applied skills, creativity, and critical thought.
Foundation Courses
[Select 2]
- CMS 201 Contemporary Popular Film and Television
- CMS/POL 334 Media and Politics
- CMS/ANT 420 Media and Power
- ANT 215 Sex, Gender, and Culture
- ART 251 Visual and Critical Thinking
- BUS 234 Introduction to Nonprofit Management
- ENG 103 Introduction to Creative Writing
- ENG 201 The Art of Rhetoric
- MUS 106 Rock, Pop, & American Culture
- SOC 262 Self and Society
Applied Courses
[Select 3, at least 2 of which are at the 300 or 400 level]
- CMS 290 CMS Internship
- CMS 294 Intro to Digital Storytelling
- CMS 294 Video Editing
- CMS 294 Video Production
- ANT 354 Visual Anthropology
- ART 231 Creative Process
- ART 291 Introductory Video + New Media Studio
- ART 330 Video Intensive
- ART 335 New Media Intensive
- ART 340 Photography Intensive
- ART/BUS 375 Arts Administration
- CSI 104 Intro to Game Design
- ENG 224 Introduction to Journalism
- MUS 332 Music Production & Recording
- THE 241 Introduction to Theatrical Design
Structure Courses
[Select 2]
- CMS 401 Film Theory
- ART 320 Twentieth Century Art
- ART 324 Photography’s First Century
- ART 425 Women Artists and Feminist Art History
- CHN/ILC 394 Chinese Cinema
- ENG 370 Harlem Renaissance
- ENG 460 Book History and American Print Culture
- ENG 471 Black Men & Women: Images of Race and Gender in American Literature & Culture
- GRS 316/317 German Cinema
- ILC 305 European Cinema
- ILC 413 The Film in Spain and Latin America
- THE 415 Theories of Acting
Business & Organizational Communication
The Business & Organizational Communication concentration focuses on applied skills and communicative structures in corporations, nonprofits, or small businesses.
Foundation Courses
[2 required]
- CMS 150 Public Speaking
- BUS 302 Organizational Behavior
Applied Courses
[Select 2]
- CMS 290 CMS Internship
- CMS 294 Intro to Digital Storytelling
- CMS 294 Video Editing
- CMS 294 Video Production
- ART/BUS 375 Arts Administration
- BUS 111 Principles of Marketing
- BUS 223 Marketing Research
- BUS 224 Digital Marketing
- BUS 234 Introduction to Nonprofit Management
- BUS 323 Consumer Behavior
- BUS 351 Advertising
Structure Courses
[Select 3]
- CMS 205 Persuasion: The User Experience
- CMS 220 Global Media and Technology
- CMS/POL 334 Media and Politics
- CMS 394 Creative and Information Economies
- CMS/ANT 420 Media and Power
- ENG 201 The Art of Rhetoric
- PHL 300 Business Ethics
- SOC 221 Social Inequalities
Identity & Culture
The Identity & Culture concentration considers how we understand the world we live in, the people we share it with, and the ways in which identity and culture inform that understanding.
Foundation Courses
[Select 1]
- ANT 105 Introduction to Anthropology
- ANT 200 Introduction to Linguistics
- PHL 226 Global Ethics
- SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology
Applied Courses
[Select 2[
- CMS 290 CMS Internship
- CMS 294 Intro to Digital Storytelling
- CMS 294 Video Editing
- CMS 294 Video Production
- ANT 305 Ethnographic Method
- ANT 354 Visual Anthropology
- SOC 306 Research Methods in Sociology
Structure Courses
[Select 4]
- CMS 201 Contemporary Popular Film and Television
- CMS/POL 334 Media and Politics
- CMS 394 Race, Class, and Gender in Popular Media
- CMS/ANT 420 Media and Power
- CMS 494 Media and Censorship
- ANT 215 Sex, Gender, and Culture
- ANT 320 Race & Ethnicity
- ENG 201 The Art of Rhetoric
- ENG 209 Introduction to American Literature I
- ENG 210 Introduction to American Literature II
- ENG 213 Intro to African American Literature & Culture I
- ENG 214 Intro to African American Literature & Culture II
- ENG 370 Harlem Renaissance
- ENG 471 Black Men & Women: Images of Race and Gender in American Literature & Culture
- SOC 213 Sociology of Gender
- SOC 221 Social Inequalities
- SOC 262 Self and Society
Film Studies
The Film Studies concentration examines how cinema contributes to our understanding of the world, offers critical analysis of film history and theory, and provides opportunity to develop hands-on skills.
Foundation Courses
[3 required]
- CMS 200 History of World Cinema I
- CMS 202 History of World Cinema II
- CMS 401 Film Theory
Applied Courses
[Select 2]
- CMS 290 CMS Internship
- CMS 294 Intro to Digital Storytelling
- CMS 294 Video Editing
- CMS 294 Video Production
- ART 231 Creative Process
- ART 245 Photography
- ART 291 Introductory Video + New Media Studio
- ART 330 Video Intensive
- THE 241 Introduction to Theatrical Design
Structure Courses
[Select 2]
- CMS 201 Contemporary Popular Film and Television
- ART 251 Visual and Critical Thinking
- CHN/ILC 394 Chinese Cinema
- ENG 201 The Art of Rhetoric
- GRS 316/217 German Cinema
- ILC 305 European Cinema
- ILC 413 Film in Spain and Latin America