Minor in Physics
Academic Requirements
1. Required Introductory Physics Courses (Typically taken Freshman and Sophomore Years):
PHY 111 | General Physics I with Lab |
PHY 112 | General Physics II with Lab |
PHY 211 | Modern Physics with Lab |
PHY 252 | Scientific Modeling and Data Analysis |
2. Two Advanced Physics Courses (Junior and Senior Years) selected from the following:
PHY 352 | Electronics |
PHY 354 | Optics |
PHY 451 | Advanced Physics Laboratory |
PHY 321 | Classical Mechanics |
PHY 322 | Quantum Mechanics |
PHY 323 | Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics |
PHY 324 | Electricity and Magnetism |
3. Four Courses in Mathematics:
MAT 111 | Differential Calculus |
MAT 112 | Integral Calculus |
MAT 210 | Multivariable Calculus |
MAT 310 | Differential Equations |