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Minor in Physics

Academic Requirements

1. Required Introductory Physics Courses (Typically taken Freshman and Sophomore Years):

PHY 111 General Physics I with Lab
PHY 112 General Physics II with Lab
PHY 211 Modern Physics with Lab
PHY 252 Scientific Modeling and Data Analysis

2. Two Advanced Physics Courses (Junior and Senior Years) selected from the following:

PHY 352 Electronics
PHY 354 Optics
PHY 451 Advanced Physics Laboratory
PHY 321 Classical Mechanics
PHY 322 Quantum Mechanics
PHY 323 Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics
PHY 324 Electricity and Magnetism 

3. Four Courses in Mathematics:

MAT 111 Differential Calculus
MAT 112 Integral Calculus
MAT 210 Multivariable Calculus
MAT 310 Differential Equations